Mission Statement of Sechang & Co. (“Sechang”): The full devotion of the legal talents, expertise, skills and creativity of Sechang attorneys to the special circumstances of each Sechang client, delivered with unrelenting commitment to excellence, efficiency, client satisfaction and the cultivation of a long-term relationship.
Sechang & Co. is a premier full service international law firm in Seoul, Korea composed of many of Korea’s finest transactional attorneys and litigators, having valuable domestic and cross-border experience. Our team of lawyers are bilingual and some are dually qualified and have trained and worked in other foreign jurisdictions. Since our establishment in 1992, Sechang has assisted many satisfied clients in the detailed intricacies of both domestic and foreign law, cross border transactions, and the Korean regulatory framework and government decision making process and procedure. Sechang is Korea’s premier maritime and shipping specialist law firm providing first class legal services to international and local shipping concerns. Sechang takes great pride in its transportation legal expertise in general and maritime, aviation and ship financing achievements and practice in particular.
Each year Asia Pacific Legal 500 recognizes Sechang as one of the best law firms in Korea in the areas of maritime/shipping, corporate/commercial/foreign investment, commercial litigation and arbitration, infrastructure projects/construction, banking and finance, dispute resolution, patent and trademark, insurance and labor/employment. Sechang boasts a large domestic and foreign clientele.
16Floor, Opulence Bldg, 254 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06647, Korea
TEL: 822-595-7121 FAX: 822-595-9626 E-mail:hyunkim@sechanglaw.com